Listen on: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, & other platforms In today’s episode of Post Traumatic Parenting, I delve further into the topic of entanglement, boundaries, and how to get out of entanglement. If you recall the previous...
Listen on: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, & other platforms Welcome to another episode of Post-Traumatic Parenting! I’m thrilled to share today’s episode with you as I’m experimenting with a new format for solo...
Listen on: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, & other platforms Columbine. Las Vegas Rt. 91. Sandy Hook. Robb Elementary School. These shootings (and sadly, so many more) are seared into our public consciousness. I can still remember where I was...
Listen on: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, & other platforms The metaphor I like to use the most for trauma is it’s like a mobile app running in the background. It drains your battery and keeps giving itself permissions unless you...
Shari Franke never has to wonder if her past was real—her abusers were exposed. Most survivors don't get that. Here’s why that validation is so powerful.
Think childhood trauma makes you a less capable parent? Science says otherwise. Your past may have shaped you into a more attuned, resilient, and connected caregiver.
Sharenting seems harmless, but is it? Algorithms reward oversharing—but at what cost to our kids? Learn why protecting their privacy is more important than ever.
The surgeon general's advisory on parental stress leaves many of us wanting practical solutions for our stress. Can we help parents with that stress, or is naming it enough?