Welcome to the Post-Traumatic Parenting podcast, where we explore the intersection between having a traumatic childhood and how that impacts our parenting today. In this episode, Dr. Koslowitz introduces herself and the backstory of the Post-Traumatic Parenting community. If you’ve ever had the thought: “How can I parent? My childhood was so messed up?” or “I don’t even know what’s normal to expect of myself as a parent, or my kids as kids,” then this podcast is for you. If you’ve ever been sure that your own past will interfere with your children’s present, or been afraid of your parenting instincts – we get it. We’re Post-Traumatic Parents too. Let’s explore how trauma creates hidden fault lines in our sense of self, and how parenting can create the stress that breaks those fault lines open. Dr. Koslowitz gets deeply personal about her own post-traumatic journey, how she went from survivor to thriver, and how the concept of Post-Traumatic Parenting was born.

Want to join our community? We’re active on Instagram. Follow @dr.koslowitzpsychology on Instagram for daily Post-Traumatic growth and parenting tips, DM her to request future episodes, and find out about the weekly Dr. K’s Story Club for Post-Traumatic Parents and their Little Humans to enjoy together.