Foolproof? A Study in Statistics
Testimonials! That’s what you need when you write an ad for the frum community!” The extremely perky graphic artist who was interviewing for a job with me was certain. “People want to read stories about how it works. Numbers are boring.” She has a point. Numbers can...
Role of Rewards
Building Our Children’s Willpower You’re an honest person, right? You’d never take something that doesn’t belong to you, correct? We can trust you, I can tell.” These are the words that accompanied the end of a fictitious “job interview” set up by a popular television...
Not Exactly the Life of Party
Who doesn’t love a party? The food, the decorations, reconnecting with family and friends…. It’s wonderful, right? My husband thinks I’m totally anti-social, reflects Brachi. I don’t like parties. I’d seriously rather clean my entire...